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品牌 | 其他品牌 | 價格區間 | 20萬-50萬 |
儀器種類 | 臥式拉力試驗機 | 應用領域 | 能源,建材,電子,紡織皮革,綜合 |
UniVert臥式拉力試驗機是各種機械測試應用的理想選擇,它的占地面積小,價格合理,使用戶可以隨時隨地進行測試。易于使用的軟件和可互換的組件使得系統無需大量的培訓或督導即可使用。 該系統能夠承受高達200N的拉伸、壓縮和彎曲測試。各種夾具和固定裝置可用于適應不同的標本和測試模式。
UniVert | UniVert S2 | UniVert 1kN | |
尺寸(cm) | 22x22x54 | 22x22x54 | 30x22x60 |
重量(kg) | 8 | 8 | 20 |
傳感器最大容量(N) | 200 | 200 | 1000 |
傳感器范圍(N) | 0.5-200 | 0.5-200 | 0.5-1000 |
傳感器精度 | 0.2% | 0.2% | 0.2% |
行程(mm) | 300 | 300 | 300 |
最大速度(mm/s) | 20 | 100 | 20 |
最快循環頻率 | 2 | 10 | 2 |
最高采樣速率 | 100 | 500 | 100 |
UniVert系統可以使用集成的數字圖像相關法(Digital Image Correlation, 縮寫DIC)測量樣本應變。
拉伸測試 試樣: 彈性聚合物材料 壓縮測試 試樣:非彈性陶瓷球 彎曲測試 試樣: 人造骨
年 份 | 期 刊 | 題 目 |
2018 | Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B | Fabrication Of Functionalized Citrus Pectin/Silk Fibroin Scaffolds For Skin Tissue Engineering |
2019 | Biofabrication | A 3d Printed Pcl/Hydrogel Construct With Zone-Specific Biochemical Composition Mimicking That Of The Meniscus |
2019 | ACS Biomaterials - Science & Engineering | Hybrid Cornea: Cell Laden Hydrogel Incorporated Decellularized Matrix |
2020 | Materials Science and Engineering C | Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean Oil/Hydroxyapatite-Based Nanocomposite Scaffolds Prepared by Additive Manufacturing for Bone Tissue Engineering |
2020 | Tissue Engineering Part A | Process–Structure–Quality Relationships of Three-Dimensional Printed Poly(Caprolactone)-Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds |
2021 | Materials Today | Nano-imprinted anisotropic structural color graphene films for cardiomyocytes dynamic displaying |